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29 September 2024

TOEIC Module 2024: Part 5 - Reading (Test #4 – Essential Verbs Frequently Found in the TOEIC Reading Section)

1. Increase – Make something larger or greater in amount.
French: Augmenter / Korean: 증가하다

2. Instruct
– Teach or direct someone to do something.
French: Instruire / Korean: 지시하다

3. Negotiate
– Discuss terms to reach an agreement.
French: Négocier / Korean: 협상하다

4. Observe
– Watch carefully to learn or notice something.
French: Observer / Korean: 관찰하다

5. Organize
– Arrange or order items systematically.
French: Organiser / Korean: 조직하다

6. Present
– Show or explain information to an audience.
French: Présenter / Korean: 발표하다

7. Research
– Systematic investigation to discover new information.
French: Recherche / Korean: 연구하다

8. Review
– Look over or examine something again.
French: Réviser / Korean: 검토하다

9. Schedule
– Plan a time for an event or task.
French: Planifier / Korean: 일정 잡다

10. Verify
– Check for accuracy or truth of something.
French: Vérifier / Korean: 확인하다

Practice Test
Direction: Choose the correct verb. (The answers are placed after the test)

1. The company plans to ______ its customer base by launching new products.

A) stabilize
B) reduce
C) increase
D) hinder

2. During the meeting, the supervisor will ______ the team on their objectives for the quarter.

A) confuse
B) ignore
C) instruct
D) eliminate

3. We need to ______ a fair price before finalizing the contract.

A) abandon
B) negotiate
C) enforce
D) underestimate

4. It's crucial to ______ the project progress to ensure we stay on track.

A) neglect
B) distort
C) observe
D) rush

5. Please ______ the materials so they are ready for the presentation.

A) scatter
B) organize
C) misplace
D) delay

6. The manager will ______ the financial report to the stakeholders next week.

A) withhold
B) ignore
C) present
D) distort

7. We need to ______ the market trends to identify new opportunities.

A) research
B) abandon
C) confuse
D) overlook

8. The team will ______ the plan before it is implemented.

A) reject
B) review
C) dismiss
D) overlook

9. Can you ______ a time for our next conference call?

A) schedule
B) cancel
C) postpone
D) forget

10. It’s important to ______ the details of the contract before signing.

A) verify
B) ignore
C) overlook
D) alter

11. The goal is to ______ productivity through better resource management.

A) decrease
B) disturb
C) increase
D) hinder

12. During the presentation, he will ______ the benefits of the new system.

A) obscure
B) present
C) complicate
D) misunderstand

13. The analyst will ______ the competition to better position our products.

A) neglect
B) observe
C) misunderstand
D) distort

The trainer will
______ the staff on the new software features.

A) confuse
B) ignore
C) instruct
D) hinder

15. They hope to ______ the agreement by the end of the negotiations.

A) finalize
B) delay
C) disrupt
D) abandon

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  1. C) increase
  2. C) instruct
  3. B) negotiate
  4. C) observe
  5. B) organize
  6. C) present
  7. A) research
  8. B) review
  9. A) schedule
  10. A) verify
  11. C) increase
  12. B) present
  13. B) observe
  14. C) instruct
  15. A) finalize

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