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28 September 2024

Essay: "Is Pretty Really the New Smart? (A Satirical Yet Objective Reflection on Beauty)"

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If I could choose one thing to have, it would be extreme beauty. Society often values looks more than intelligence or hard work because beauty can open many doors. Some very beautiful people might not be smart, and many smart people don’t use their looks to their advantage. However, thinking that beauty alone leads to success is too simple. Important figures like Gandhi and Einstein show that intelligence and strong character are vital. While beauty can help, especially in entertainment, it is not the only way to succeed. In the end, real happiness comes from a mix of intelligence, hard work, and good character.

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If I could wish for one attribute to possess, it would undoubtedly be extreme beauty. Imagine waking up each day, gazing into the mirror, and seeing a face that could launch a thousand ships—much like Helen of Troy. Beauty opens every door, and it seems the world bends over backwards for those who wield it. As I stroll through life, I often wonder: why bother with loyalty, hard work, or even intelligence when a mere flash of a dazzling smile can get you the corner office?

Let’s be honest; one of the saddest realities is witnessing a stunning individual who lacks intelligence, floundering in the world, while a smart, beautiful person squanders their allure. I’ve seen countless smart people fail to capitalize on their beauty. Why wouldn’t you use every advantage at your disposal? It’s not as if anyone is giving awards for hard work alone.

However, this perspective is overly simplistic. The claim that beauty "opens every door" ignores the many factors that contribute to success, such as intelligence, social skills, and resilience. Historical figures like Mahatma Gandhi or Albert Einstein exemplify that success is not rooted in physical appearance but in intellect and moral fortitude. Beauty may provide certain advantages, especially in fields like entertainment, but it is far from the universal key to success.

The harsh truth is that in today’s society, loyalty and skills seem to matter little when set against the undeniable allure of beauty. Look at Hollywood. Every year, we witness exceptionally talented actors who toil away, producing fantastic performances, yet it’s the perfectly chiseled jawlines and symmetrical features that garner the accolades. Consider the tale of Gary Oldman, a talented actor who often flies under the radar compared to his more glamorous counterparts. He might have the skills of a master craftsman, but when was the last time he graced the cover of a magazine for his looks? Meanwhile, a reality TV star with a single-digit IQ can effortlessly secure brand deals just by being photogenic. Clearly, the world is enamored with beauty, and those who work hard are often overshadowed.

Yet, this paints an incomplete picture. The assertion that intelligence and hard work are worthless in the face of beauty creates a false dichotomy. Many successful people, such as Oprah Winfrey, exemplify the coexistence of beauty, intelligence, and hard work. This suggests that both attributes can contribute to success, rather than one being a substitute for the other.

Of course, beauty is fleeting. It’s a cruel joke that the very asset we cherish most will one day fade. But fear not! For the period your beauty is at its peak—if you can prolong it as much as possible—that will be enough time to accumulate wealth for your old age. After all, wouldn’t it be wise to hold onto beauty as a commodity that will expire? Think of it as a fine wine, meant to be savored before the last drop evaporates. Don’t let anyone convince you that your worth lies solely in your looks; instead, make beauty one of many tools in your arsenal.

In essence, beauty is capitalism’s elusive and perishable product, with desire as the currency. The world thrives on this dichotomy of looks and intellect, but it is important to recognize that while beauty may attract attention, long-term success often stems from character, resilience, and intelligence. Many people find deeper satisfaction and respect through their achievements rather than through superficial attributes.

So, as I navigate the world, I can’t help but wish for that extreme beauty. I’d saunter through life, basking in the privileges it brings, while others toil away in obscurity. But perhaps it’s time for society to reevaluate what it truly values. After all, who wouldn’t want to be remembered as the beautiful fool rather than the wise but overlooked? In this grand spectacle we call life, beauty is indeed the brightest star—but it should shine alongside the virtues of hard work and intelligence to illuminate the paths that lead to a truly fulfilling life.

Key words:
The Illusion of Beauty: Why Looks Aren’t the Key to Success
Beauty vs. Intelligence: Debunking Myths About Success and Worth
Why Extreme Beauty Isn’t Everything: A Satirical Take on Success
The Cost of Beauty: Exploring Its Role in Success and Society
Unlocking Success: The Real Value of Beauty, Intelligence, and Hard Work

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