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16 September 2024

My English Class #11: Being a Manager

Topic: “Being a Manager”


A. impact – (noun) means the effect or influence of something. Example sentence: The pandemic had a significant impact on the economy.

B. proud
fiers (adj) means feeling pleased or satisfied with one's achievements or someone else's. Example sentence: She felt proud of her son's success.

C. achieves
réaliser (verb) means to successfully reach a goal or accomplish something. Example sentence: With hard work, you can achieve your dreams.

D. handle/handlinggérer (verb) means dealing with or managing something. Example sentence: She is good at handling difficult situations calmly and efficiently.

E. conflicts
conflits (noun) are disagreements or disputes between people or groups. Example sentence: They resolved their conflicts through open communication and compromise.

F. tight deadlines
– (noun) délais serrés

G. enable
permettre (verb) means to make possible or provide the means to accomplish something. Example sentence: Education can enable people to achieve their goals.

H. inspire
inspirer (verb) means to motivate or encourage someone to do something positive or creative. Example sentence: Her artwork inspires others to create.

I. crucial
cruciale (adj) means very important. Example sentence: Proper planning is crucial for the success of any project.

Guide Questions
1. What did the speaker say about being a manager?
2. What is one reward of being a manager?
3. What are the challenges of being a manager?
4. How can you be a successful manager?
5. What did the speaker say about communication and leadership?

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