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02 October 2024

My English Class #17: "Employee Morale" (2 parts)

Vocabulary 1
A. various
– divers
B. highly – très
C. value – (verb) valoriser, apprécier  
D. leisure time – temps libre
E. tackle (address, deal with, handle) – s'attaquer à, répondre à
F. remote work options – options de travail à distance
G. insufficient – insuffisant
H. dissatisfaction – mécontentement

Guide Questions
1. What are the two factors that affect employee morale?
2. Explain each example and the solution.


Vocabulary 2
A. presence – présence

B. hierarchical structure
– structure hiérarchique
hierarchy (noun)

C. undervalued
– sous-évalué
D. boost – stimuler
E. appreciating – appréciant
F. acknowledgments – remerciements
G. uncertainty – incertitude
H. lower – reduce, decrease
I. career paths – parcours professionnels
J. stable

Guide Questions:
1. What did the speaker say about hierarchical structure? How can you solve this problem?
2. What did the speaker say about job security?

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