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16 October 2024

English Lesson (Listening): "What is Teamwork?"


Topic: “What is Teamwork?” (B1 Level)

a) achieveréaliser. (To succeed in doing something.) Example: I want to achieve my goals. (Je veux réaliser mes objectifs.)

b) matchcorrespondre. (To be the same or similar.) Example: These socks match my shirt. (Ces chaussettes correspondent à ma chemise.)

c) conflictconflit. (A serious disagreement or argument.) Example: There was a conflict between the two teams. (Il y avait un conflit entre les deux équipes.)

d) unclear – flou. (Not easy to understand or see.) Example: The instructions were unclear to everyone. (Les instructions étaient floues pour tout le monde.)

e) lead toconduire à. (To cause something to happen.) Example: Hard work can lead to success. (Le travail acharné peut conduire au succès.)

f) frustrationfrustration. (Feeling annoyed or upset because of problems.) Example: She felt frustration when her plan failed. (Elle a ressenti de la frustration quand son plan a échoué.)

g) rewardsrécompenses. (Benefits received for doing something good.) Example: The rewards of teamwork are great. (Les récompenses du travail d'équipe sont grandes.)

h) sense of belongingsentiment d'appartenance. (Feeling accepted and valued in a group.) Example: The club gave me a sense of belonging. (Le club m'a donné un sentiment d'appartenance.)

i) proudfier. (Feeling happy about achievements or qualities.) Example: I am proud of my family. (Je suis fier de ma famille.)

14 October 2024

English Lesson (Listening and Speaking): "Teamwork" - B2 level

Topic: “Teamwork”

A. Assign – To give a job or task to someone. [Attribuer] Sentence: The teacher will assign homework to the students. French Translation: Le professeur attribuera des devoirs aux élèves.

B. Execution
– The act of doing or performing something. [Exécution] Sentence: The plan execution took longer than expected. French Translation: L'exécution du plan a pris plus de temps que prévu.

C. Keep someone
(him, her, them, everyone, etc.) aligned – To make sure someone stays on the same path or idea. [Garder quelqu'un sur la même voie] Sentence: Regular meetings help keep everyone aligned with the goals. French Translation: Des réunions régulières aident à garder tout le monde sur la même voie que les objectifs.

D. Promptly
– Quickly and without delay. [French: Rapidement] Sentence: She responded to the email promptly after receiving it. French Translation: Elle a répondu à l'e-mail rapidement après l'avoir reçu.

E. Fall behind
– To not keep up with others or a schedule. [Prendre du retard] Sentence: If you miss classes, you may fall behind in your studies. French Translation: Si tu manques des cours, tu peux prendre du retard dans tes études.

G. Fosters
– To encourage or help something grow. [Favorise] Sentence: The program fosters creativity in young artists. French Translation: Le programme favorise la créativité chez les jeunes artistes.

Guide Questions
1. What does the speaker say about teamwork?
2. Talk about the speaker’s example.

10 October 2024

My English Class #20: "Job Interview - How Do You Handle Constructive Criticism"

A. Receptive - Réceptif/ve. Sentence: She is very receptive to new ideas in our group. Elle est très réceptive aux nouvelles idées dans notre groupe.

B. Feel (felt) more assured
- Se sentir plus sûr(e) Sentence: After practicing, I feel more assured about my speaking skills. Après avoir pratiqué, je me sens plus sûr de mes compétences en expression.

C. Growth
– Croissance. Sentence: Personal growth is important for everyone in life. La croissance personnelle est importante pour tout le monde dans la vie.

D. See
(understand) – comprendre. Sentence: I see what you mean about the movie now. Je vois ce que tu veux dire sur le film maintenant.

E. Adaptable –
Adaptable. Sentence: Being adaptable helps us deal with changes easily. Être adaptable nous aide à gérer les changements facilement.

Guide Questions
1. How does the speaker handle constructive criticism?
2. Talk about the speaker’s examples.
3. What happened next?
4. What did the speaker learn from the experience?
5. What did the speaker say in the end?

09 October 2024

My English Class #19: "How to Solve Common Human Resources Challenges"


A. Appealing
(adj) – attrayant. English Sentence: The new café has an appealing atmosphere that attracts many customers. Le nouveau café a une ambiance attrayante qui attire de nombreux clients.

B. Let
[letting] (verb) – laisser. English Sentence: Please let me know if you need any help with your project. S'il te plaît, laisse-moi savoir si tu as besoin d'aide avec ton projet.

C. Suit
(verb) – convener. English Sentence: This dress really suits you; it brings out your features beautifully. Cette robe te convient vraiment ; elle met en valeur tes traits magnifiquement.

D. Stand out
(phrasal verb) –  se démarquer. English Sentence: Her unique style helps her stand out in a crowd. Son style unique l'aide à se démarquer dans la foule.

E. Job seekers
– chercheurs d'emploi. English Sentence: Job seekers should prepare a strong resume to impress potential employers.  Les chercheurs d'emploi devraient préparer un CV solide pour impressionner les employeurs potentiels.

06 October 2024

Learning English Through Songs: "Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift

Here are some lines from the song "Anti-Hero" written by Taylor Swift and Jack Antonoff. They include commonly used words, expressions, idioms, and phrasal verbs in English. This will help you understand the song better and improve your vocabulary.


When my depression works the graveyard shift (1), all of the people I've ghosted (2) stand there in the room.


Possible Meaning: The character in the song indicates that her depression happens during late night to early morning hours and she thinks about the people she has cut off communication with. Despite the distance, she still feels their presence and the emotional weight of unresolved relationships, suggesting feelings of guilt, regret, or sadness about the past.


(1) The "GRAVEYARD SHIFT" refers to a work shift that occurs during the late night to early morning hours, typically from around midnight to 8 a.m.


  • French: poste de nuit
  • Japanese: 深夜勤務 (しんやきんむ, shinya kinmu)
  • Chinese: 夜班 (yè bān)
  • Korean: 야간 근무 (yagan geunmu)

 Sentence: "I have to work the graveyard shift this week."


  • French: "Je dois travailler le poste de nuit cette semaine."
  • Japanese: "私は今週、深夜勤務をしなければなりません。" (Watashi wa konshū, shinya kinmu o shinakereba narimasen.)
  • Chinese: "我这周必须上夜班。" (Wǒ zhè zhōu bìxū shàng yè bān.)
  • Korean: "나는 이번 주에 야간 근무를 해야 한다." (Naneun ibeon jue yagan geunmureul haeya handa.)

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