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06 September 2024

My English Class #1: Crafting Compelling Proposals and Presentations - Pre-Sales Strategy

“Crafting Compelling Proposals and Presentations (Pre-Sales Strategy)”

Vocabulary 1
A. Thoroughly – Minutieusement. Sample Sentence: We need to check the system thoroughly before the launch. Nous devons vérifier le système minutieusement avant le lancement.

B. Address (verb) –
Aborder. Sample Sentence: The team will address the client’s concerns during the meeting. L'équipe abordera les préoccupations du client pendant la réunion.

C. Make (something or someone) stand out
- Faire ressortir (quelque chose ou quelqu'un) Sample Sentence: Using bright colors will make the new product stand out in the store. Utiliser des couleurs vives fera ressortir le nouveau produit dans le magasin.

D. Cost breakdown
- Détail des coûts. Sample Sentence: The proposal includes a cost breakdown for each service. La proposition inclut un détail des coûts pour chaque service.

Guide Questions
1. How does the speaker start crafting a proposal for a new client?

2. What elements does he include in a proposal to make it stand out
(pour la rendre remarquable)?

Vocabulary 2

A. Tailor
(verb) – Adapter. Sample Sentence: We need to tailor the solution to meet the specific needs of the client. Nous devons adapter la solution pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques du client.

B. Familiarity
– Connaissance. Sample sentence: Her familiarity with the software made the training process much easier. Sa connaissance du logiciel a rendu le processus de formation beaucoup plus facile

C. Be aligned with
– Être en accord avec. Sample Sentence: The new policy must be aligned with the company's goals. La nouvelle politique doit être en accord avec les objectifs de l'entreprise.

D. Highlight
(verb) – Souligner. Sample Sentence: I will highlight the main points of the proposal in the presentation. Je soulignerai les points principaux de la proposition dans la présentation.

Guide Questions
1. How does he tailor (adapter) his presentations to different types of clients?

2. How does he ensure his proposal is aligned with
(est aligné sur) the client's business goals?


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