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27 September 2024

Vocabulary: Commonly Used Verbs – “Handle"


Here are the meanings of the verb "handle" with sentences:

Number 1: To touch, feel, hold, or move something using your hand.
Example: “Please handle the glass gently so it doesn’t break.”

Veuillez manipuler le verre avec précaution afin qu'il ne se brise pas.
유리가 깨지지 않도록 조심스럽게 다뤄주세요.

Number 2: To control or operate something with your hands.
Example: “She knows how to handle a camera.”

Elle sait se servir d'une caméra.
그녀는 카메라를 다룰 압니다.

Number 3: To do the work needed for something.
Example: “He handles the scheduling for our team efficiently.”

Il s'occupe efficacement de la programmation de notre équipe.
그는 우리 팀의 스케줄을 효율적으로 관리합니다.

Number 4: To manage a person or situation successfully.
Example: “She knows how to handle difficult customers with patience.”

Elle sait gérer les clients difficiles avec patience.
그녀는 인내심을 가지고 까다로운 고객을 응대하는 방법을 알고 있습니다.

Number 5: To express ideas about something in art, such as music, writing, and movies.
Example: “The artist handles the theme of love beautifully in her painting.”

L'artiste traite magnifiquement le thème de l'amour dans sa peinture.
작가는 그림에서 사랑이라는 주제를 아름답게 다루고 있습니다.

Number 6: To be involved in buying or selling something.
Example: “This store handles various types of clothing for all ages.”

Ce magasin propose différents types de vêtements pour tous les âges.
매장에서는 모든 연령대를 위한 다양한 종류의 의류를 취급합니다.

Number 7: To describe how easy or difficult it is to control a vehicle.
Example: “This car handles well on both wet and dry roads.”

Cette voiture se comporte bien sur les routes sèches et humides.
차는 젖은 노면과 마른 노면 모두에서 다룹니다.

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