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05 October 2024

English for Human Resources: “Resumes – Analysis and Tips (Questions for Recruiters)”

Topic: “Resumes – Analysis and Tips (Questions for Recruiters)”


1. What skills do you look for in a resume?
Quelles compétences recherchez-vous dans un CV ?

Sample Answer:
I look for both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are specific abilities, like computer programming or data analysis. Soft skills include communication and teamwork. Candidates should highlight relevant skills that match the job description to stand out.

2. How do you evaluate work experience on a resume?
Comment évaluez-vous l'expérience professionnelle sur un CV ?

Sample Answer:
I evaluate work experience by looking at the relevance and length of previous jobs. I consider what tasks the candidate performed and if they relate to the position they are applying for. Achievements in previous roles are also important.

3. Do you value volunteer experience on a resume? Why? Appréciez-vous l'expérience de bénévolat sur un CV ? Pourquoi ?

Sample Answer:
Yes, I value volunteer experience. It shows that the candidate is active and willing to help others. Volunteer work can demonstrate skills like leadership, teamwork, and commitment, which are valuable in any job.


4. How important is it for a resume to be tailored for each job?
Quelle est l'importance de personnaliser un CV pour chaque emploi ?

Sample Answer:
Tailoring a resume for each job is very important. It shows that the candidate understands the job requirements and has taken the time to highlight relevant experiences and skills. A customized resume is more likely to catch the employer's attention.

5. What mistakes do you often see in resumes?
Quelles erreurs voyez-vous souvent dans les CV ?

Sample Answer:
Common mistakes include spelling and grammar errors, using a confusing layout, and including irrelevant information. Some candidates also write too much or too little. These mistakes can create a negative impression and may lead to rejection.

6. Should a resume include a photo? Why or why not?
Un CV doit-il inclure une photo ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

Sample Answer:
Whether to include a photo depends on the job and the company culture. In some industries, a photo is common, while in others it may not be necessary. A photo can help personalize a resume, but it can also lead to bias, so it should be considered carefully.


7. Is the summary or objective statement important? Why?
Le résumé ou l'énoncé de l'objectif est-il important ? Pourquoi ?

Sample Answer:
The summary or objective statement is important because it gives a brief overview of the candidate’s career goals and highlights their strengths. It should be specific to the job and show why the candidate is a good fit. A strong statement can grab the employer's attention.

8. How do you assess the education section of a resume?
Comment évaluez-vous la section éducation d'un CV ?

Sample Answer:
I assess the education section by looking at the degrees obtained and the institutions attended. If the degree is relevant to the job, it adds value. I also consider additional certifications or training that may enhance the candidate's qualifications.

9. What should candidates avoid including in their resumes?
Que doivent éviter d'inclure les candidats dans leurs CV ?

Sample Answer:
Candidates should avoid including personal information, like age, marital status, or hobbies that are not relevant. They should also skip excessive details about past jobs or outdated skills. Keeping the resume focused and concise is essential.


10. How do you feel about gaps in employment on a resume?
Que pensez-vous des lacunes dans l'emploi sur un CV ?

Sample Answer:
Gaps in employment are not necessarily a problem. What matters is how the candidate explains them. If they used that time for personal growth, education, or volunteering, it can actually show positive qualities. Candidates should be honest about their experiences.

11. What has been your most memorable experience with a resume? Can you share a time when a resume impressed you? 
Quelle a été votre expérience la plus mémorable avec un CV ? Pouvez-vous partager une fois où un CV vous a impressionné ?

Sample Answer:
My most memorable experience was when I received a resume from a candidate who used a unique design. It was creative and visually appealing. While it was different, it still conveyed all the necessary information clearly. I ended up interviewing her, and she got the job.

I was impressed by a resume that told a story. The candidate described how they overcame challenges in their previous jobs. It showed resilience and problem-solving skills. That made me want to meet them and learn more about their experiences.

12. What advice would you give to someone writing their first resume?
Quel conseil donneriez-vous à quelqu'un qui rédige son premier CV ?

Sample Answer:
My advice is to keep it simple and focused. Highlight your skills and experiences that are relevant to the job you want. Use clear language and avoid jargon. Also, ask someone to review it for errors. A good resume can open doors for you.


13. How do you think resumes will change in the future?
Comment pensez-vous que les CV vont évoluer à l'avenir ?

Sample Answer:
I think resumes will become more digital and interactive. We may see more video resumes or online portfolios. Employers want to see personality and skills in different ways. This can help candidates stand out in a competitive job market.

14. What role do you see technology playing in resume evaluation?
Quel rôle voyez-vous jouer pour la technologie dans l'évaluation des CV ?

Sample Answer:
Technology will play a bigger role in resume evaluation through AI and software that scans resumes for keywords. This can help filter candidates quickly. However, I believe that personal evaluation will still be important to understand the candidate better.

15. Do you think soft skills will become more important in resumes? Why?
Pensez-vous que les compétences interpersonnelles deviendront plus importantes dans les CV ? Pourquoi ?

Sample Answer:
Yes, I think soft skills will become more important. Employers want candidates who can work well in teams and communicate effectively. These skills are essential in many jobs today. Resumes should highlight both hard and soft skills to attract attention.


16. What questions do you often ask candidates after reviewing their resumes?
Quelles questions posez-vous souvent aux candidats après avoir examiné leurs CV ?

Sample Answer:
I often ask candidates to explain their experiences in detail. I might ask, "Can you tell me more about your role in this project?" I also ask how they handle challenges and what they learned from previous jobs. This helps me understand their thought process.

17. How do you handle a situation where a resume looks too good to be true?

Comment gérez-vous une situation où un CV semble trop beau pour être vrai ?

Sample Answer:
If a resume looks too good to be true, I investigate further. I may ask detailed questions during the interview to verify their claims. I also check references to confirm their experiences. It's important to ensure the candidate is honest about their qualifications.

18. What is the best way for candidates to follow up after submitting a resume?
Quelle est la meilleure façon pour les candidats de faire un suivi après avoir soumis un CV?

Sample Answer:
The best way for candidates to follow up is to send a polite email a week after submission. They can express their interest in the position and ask if there are any updates. This shows initiative and enthusiasm for the job. [end]

Related post: "The Purpose of a Strong Resume"

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