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04 October 2024

Business English (Listening): "The Purpose of a Strong Resume"


Topic: “The Purpose of a Strong Resume”

A. Overview
A general summary or review of something. French: Aperçu. Sentence: The overview of the project was very helpful. L'aperçu du projet était très utile.

B. Well-written
Clearly and effectively expressed in writing. French: Bien écrit. Sentence: She submitted a well-written report to her teacher. Elle a soumis un rapport bien écrit à son professeur.

C. Catch attention
To attract someone’s notice or interest. French: Attirer l'attention. Sentence: A bright color can catch attention on a resume. Une couleur vive peut attirer l'attention sur un CV.

D. A good fit for
Suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose. French: Un bon choix pour. Sentence: He is a good fit for the team because of his experience. Il est un bon choix pour l'équipe en raison de son expérience.

E. Layout
The arrangement of text and images on a page. French: Mise en page. Sentence: The layout of the brochure is very attractive. La mise en page de la brochure est très attrayante.

F. Messy
Disorganized or untidy in appearance. French: En désordre. Sentence: Her desk was messy and needed to be organized. Son bureau était en désordre et devait être organisé.

G. Highlight
(verb) – 
To emphasize or make something stand out. French: Mettre en Valeur. Sentence: You should highlight your achievements on your resume. Vous devriez mettre en valeur vos réalisations sur votre CV.

H. Concise
Brief and clear, with no extra words. French: Concis. Sentence: The presentation was concise and easy to understand. La présentation était concise et facile à comprendre.

I. Stand out
To be noticeable or distinct from others. French: se démarquer. Sentence: She wore a bright red dress that made her stand out at the party. Elle portait une robe rouge vif qui la faisait se démarquer à la fête.

Guide Questions
1. What is the purpose of a resume according to the speaker?
2. How important is the layout of a resume?
3. What does a strong resume look like?


For the complete transcript, click this.


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