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04 October 2024

Enlish Lessons (Listening): "Autumn" - B1 Level

Topic: “Autumn”

A. Known for – Recognized for a specific quality or feature.
French: connu pour
Korean: ~로 유명한
This city is known for its beautiful parks.

Cette ville est connue pour ses beaux parcs.
도시는 아름다운 공원으로 유명하다.

B. Vibrant
– Full of energy and life.
French: vibrant
Korean: 생기 있는
The market was filled with vibrant colors and sounds.
Le marché était rempli de couleurs et de sons vibrants.
시장은 생기 있는 색상과 소리로 가득했다.

C. Shades
(related to color) – Different variations of a color.
French: nuances
Korean: 색조
I love the shades of blue in the painting.

J'adore les nuances de bleu dans la peinture.
나는 그림에서 파란색의 색조를 좋아한다.

D. Stunning landscapes
– Extremely beautiful natural scenery.
French: paysages époustouflants
Korean: 놀라운 경치
The hiking trail offers stunning landscapes of mountains.

Le sentier de randonnée offre des paysages époustouflants de montagnes.
하이킹 코스는 산의 놀라운 경치를 제공한다.

E. Pumpkin
French: citrouille
Korean: 호박
We carved a pumpkin for Halloween.

Nous avons sculpté une citrouille pour Halloween.
우리는 할로윈을 위해 호박을 조각했다.

F. Corn mazes
– Paths made from tall corn plants.
French: labyrinthes de maïs
Korean: 옥수수 미로
The kids enjoyed exploring the corn mazes.

Les enfants ont aimé explorer les labyrinthes de maïs.
아이들은 옥수수 미로를 탐험하는 것을 즐겼다.

G. Harvest festivals
– Celebrations of the season's crop gathering.
French: festivals de la récolte
Korean: 수확 축제
Many people attend harvest festivals in autumn.

Beaucoup de gens assistent aux festivals de la récolte en automne.
많은 사람들이 가을에 수확 축제에 참석한다.

H. Cozy
– Warm, comfortable, and inviting.
French: douillet
Korean: 아늑한
The cabin was cozy and perfect for winter.

Le chalet était douillet et parfait pour l'hiver.
오두막은 아늑하고 겨울에 완벽했다.

I. Bulbs
(related to plants) – Underground storage organs of plants.
French: bulbes
Korean: 구근
We planted tulip bulbs in the garden.

Nous avons planté des bulbes de tulipes dans le jardin.
우리는 정원에 튤립 구근을 심었다.

J. Feel low
– To feel sad or down in mood.
French: se sentir déprimé
Korean: 기분이 우울하다
Sometimes I feel low during the winter months.

Parfois, je me sens déprimé pendant les mois d'hiver.
가끔 나는 겨울에 기분이 우울해진다.

K. Daylight
– Natural light from the sun during the day.
French: lumière du jour
Korean: 일광
I love going for walks in the daylight.

J'aime faire des promenades à la lumière du jour.
나는 일광 속에서 산책하는 것을 좋아한다.

Guide Questions
1. What did the speaker say about autumn?
2. What do people enjoy doing?
3. What are the common autumn activities?
4. What did the speaker say about fashion and gardening?
5. What did the speaker say about culture?
6. What did the speaker say about daylight?


 For full transcript, click this

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