A. DISTRACTED (adj):- Unable to focus because of other thoughts or events. Example: She was distracted by her phone during the meeting.
- French: Incapable de se concentrer à cause de distractions. / Elle était distraite par son téléphone pendant la réunion.
- Chinese: 因为其他事情无法集中注意力。/她在会议期间被手机分心了。
- Korean: 다른 생각이나 사건 때문에 집중할 수 없는. / 그녀는 회의 중에 휴대폰 때문에 산만해졌다.
- Japanese: 他のことに気を取られて集中できない。/彼女は会議中に携帯電話に気を取られていました。
B. OCCUR (verb): To happen or take place. Example: Accidents can occur if you are not careful.
- French: Se produire ou avoir lieu. / Les accidents peuvent se produire si vous n'êtes pas prudent.
- Chinese: 发生或出现。/如果不小心,事故可能会发生。
- Korean: 발생하거나 일어나다. / 조심하지 않으면 사고가 발생할 수 있다.
- Japanese: 起こる、または発生する。/注意しないと事故が発生することがあります。
C. LACK (noun):
The absence of something needed. Example: The lack of sleep made him
feel tired all day.
- French: L'absence de quelque chose de nécessaire. / Le manque de sommeil l'a fatigué toute la journée.
- Chinese: 缺乏某种需要的东西。/ 缺乏睡眠让他一整天都很累。
- Korean: 필요한 것이 없는 상태. / 수면 부족으로 하루 종일 피곤했다.
- Japanese: 必要なものが欠けている状態。/ 睡眠不足で彼は一日中疲れていました。
STRONGER EMPHASIS ON (phrase): To give more importance to something. Example:
This school places a stronger emphasis on science and math.
- French: Donner plus d'importance à quelque chose. / Cette école met davantage l'accent sur les sciences et les mathématiques.
- Chinese: 更加重视某事。/ 这所学校更加重视科学和数学。
- Korean: 어떤 것에 더 많은 중요성을 부여하다. / 이 학교는 과학과 수학에 더 큰 비중을 둔다.
- Japanese: 何かにより重要性を置く。/ この学校は科学と数学により重点を置いています。
(noun): A peaceful and balanced state. Example: The team worked in
harmony to complete the project.
- French: Un état paisible et équilibré. / L'équipe a travaillé en harmonie pour terminer le projet.
- Chinese: 和平且平衡的状态。/ 团队和谐合作完成了项目。
- Korean: 평화롭고 균형 잡힌 상태. / 팀은 프로젝트를 완료하기 위해 조화롭게 일했다.
- Japanese: 平和でバランスの取れた状態。/ チームはプロジェクトを完成させるために調和して作業しました。
Guide Questions
1. What does the
speaker say about mistakes?
2. What are the
examples of personal and work mistakes?
3. How do
different cultures view mistakes: Western culture, East Asia, the U.S., and
4. What is the
speaker’s conclusion?
American Accent
British Accent
For the complete transcript, click this.
1. How does
your culture view mistakes?
2. Can you
describe a time when you made a mistake at work? (Pouvez-vous décrire un moment où
vous avez fait une erreur au travail ?)
Answer: I once forgot to send an important email to a client. It
caused a delay in the project, but I apologized and quickly fixed the issue by
contacting them directly. This taught me to double-check my tasks before the
end of the day.
3. How do
you react when someone else makes a mistake? (Comment réagissez-vous lorsque
quelqu'un d'autre fait une erreur ?)
Answer: I try to be understanding because I know how it feels to
make mistakes. I usually offer help or suggest a solution if I can.
4. How do
you handle mistakes made by your team members? (Comment gérez-vous les erreurs
commises par les membres de votre équipe ?)
Answer: I try to discuss the issue calmly and find a solution
together. I believe it’s better to focus on fixing the problem than blaming
5. Can you
share an example of a mistake you corrected at work? (Pouvez-vous
partager un exemple d'une erreur que vous avez corrigée au travail ?)
Answer: Once, I noticed that an invoice had the wrong amount before
sending it to the client. I informed my manager and we fixed it before it
caused any problems.
6. What
steps do you take to avoid repeating the same mistakes at work? (Quelles
mesures prenez-vous pour éviter de répéter les mêmes erreurs au travail?)
Answer: I write down my tasks and double-check my work. I also ask
for feedback from my manager to see if I can improve.
7. How can
companies help employees reduce mistakes? (Comment les entreprises
peuvent-elles aider les employés à réduire les erreurs ?)
Answer: Companies can provide proper training and clear
instructions. Regular meetings to discuss challenges and solutions also help
reduce mistakes.
8. Can you
describe a mistake you made in your personal life? (Pouvez-vous décrire une erreur que
vous avez faite dans votre vie personnelle ?)
Answer: I once forgot my best friend’s birthday. I felt very bad and
apologized by writing a letter and planning a small surprise for her later.
9. How do
you apologize when you make a mistake with friends or family? (Comment vous
excusez-vous lorsque vous faites une erreur avec des amis ou de la famille ?)
Answer: I sincerely apologize and try to make up for it. For
example, if I’m late, I explain why and offer to do something nice for them.
10. Do you
find it harder to admit mistakes to family or at work? Why? (Trouvez-vous
plus difficile d’admettre vos erreurs à la famille ou au travail ? Pourquoi ?)
Answer: I find it harder at work because I don’t want to look
unprofessional. At home, my family is more forgiving.
11. Can you
think of a lesson you learned from a personal mistake? (Pouvez-vous
penser à une leçon que vous avez apprise d’une erreur personnelle ?)
Answer: I learned to plan better after missing an important
appointment. Now, I use a calendar to keep track of all my meetings and events.
12. What
advice would you give to someone afraid of making mistakes? (Quel conseil
donneriez-vous à quelqu’un qui a peur de faire des erreurs ?)
Answer: I would tell them that mistakes are normal and part of
learning. Instead of fearing them, focus on what you can learn and improve.
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