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11 September 2024

My English Class #4: Criteria for a Productive Meeting

“Criteria for a Productive Meeting”

1. Waste of time 
– perte de temps
2. Criteria – critères
3. Attended – assisté, présents
4. Concerns – préoccupations

5. Agenda –
ordre du jour, programme, calendrier, intentions
In English, “agenda” only have two meanings

[a] a list of things to be considered or done
[une liste de choses à envisager ou à faire.]
Example: There are several items on the agenda for tonight's meeting. - Plusieurs points sont à l'ordre du jour de la réunion de ce soir.

[b] a plan or goal that guides someone's behavior and that is often kept secret.
[un plan ou un objectif qui guide le comportement de quelqu'un et qui est souvent tenu secret.]

He wants to push his own selfish agenda no matter what the others say. Il veut faire avancer son propre agenda égoïste, peu importe ce que disent les autres.

She had no hidden agenda. [=she didn't have a secret plan] -
Elle n'avait pas d'intentions cachées. [=elle n'avait pas de plan secret].

- In French, “agenda” also refers to calendar or schedule.

Guide Question: 
What are the six criteria for a productive meeting?

American Accent (Normal Speed)

British Accent (Fast speed)

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