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06 August 2024

English Lessons (Listening): "Negotiation Tactics" (B1)

Topic: “Negotiation Tactics” (3 parts)

Vocabulary 1

A. Tactic
- A planned action for achieving something.

B. Goal setting
- Making plans to reach a target. Example: Goal setting is important for achieving success. La fixation d'objectifs est importante pour réussir.

C. Give up -
Stop trying or quit. Example: Don't give up on your dreams, no matter how hard it gets. N'abandonne pas tes rêves, peu importe la difficulté.

D. Rapport
- A friendly, understanding relationship. Example: Building a good rapport with clients is essential. Établir un bon rapport avec les clients est essentiel.

E. Polite -
 Showing good manners and respect. Example: It's important to be polite to everyone. Il est important d'être poli avec tout le monde.

F. Interrupt/interrupting
- To stop someone while they are speaking. Example: Please don't interrupt when someone else is speaking. S'il vous plaît, n'interrompez pas quand quelqu'un d'autre parle.

G. Gather -
To collect or bring together. Example: We need to gather all the necessary documents for the meeting. Nous devons rassembler tous les documents nécessaires pour la réunion.

H. Clarify -
To make something clear or easy to understand. Example: Can you clarify your last point? Pouvez-vous clarifier votre dernier point ?

I. Doubts
- Feelings of uncertainty or not being sure. Example: If you have any doubts, feel free to ask questions. Si vous avez des doutes, n'hésitez pas à poser des questions.

J. Concessions
- Things given up to reach an agreement. Example: Both parties need to make concessions to reach an agreement. Les deux parties doivent faire des concessions pour parvenir à un accord.

K. Valuable -
Worth a lot or very useful. Example: Your advice was very valuable to me. Vos conseils m'ont été très précieux.

Guide Question:
What are the six tactics used in negotiations? Explain each.


For the complete transcript, click this.

Vocabulary 2

A. pause - a short stop or break.

B. anchoring
- fixing something firmly in place.

C. react visibly
- show a response that others can see.

D. deadline-driven
- focused on completing tasks by a set time.

E. press
(verb) - to force or try to persuade (someone) to do something, especially by repeatedly asking for it to be done. Example: I pressed her for more details. [Je lui ai demandé plus de détails.]

F. delays
- times when things are late or slow.

G. worse
- more bad than before.

Guide Questions:

1. Explain the seventh negotiation tactic.
2. Explain the “anchoring” tactic.
3. What is the “flinch” tactic?
4. Explain the tenth negotiation tactic.


For the complete transcript, click this.

Vocabulary 3

A. cop
- slang for police officer

B. tough
/tuff/ - strong and not easily broken

C. accommodating
- helpful and willing to please

D. reasonable
- fair and sensible

E. counter
(verb) - to oppose or respond to

F. meet in the middle
- to compromise

Guide Questions:

1. What is the eleventh negotiation tactic?
2. Explain the “bracketing” tactic.
3. What is the final negotiation tactic?


For the complete transcript, click this.

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