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13 September 2024

My English Class #10: Being Busy

“Being Busy”

Vocabulary 1:
A. Busy –
Occupé (used for people), Chargé (used for time and day), Fréquenté (used for places)

I tried to call my brother, but he was busy. [J'ai essayé d'appeler mon frère, mais il était occupé.]

B. Hectic
(adj) – mouvementé, fréquenté, chargé. * We don’t use hectic to describe people. Incorrect: She is busy hectic.

This street is very hectic/busy at night.
[Cette rue est très fréquentée la nuit.]
She has a hectic/busy schedule as a journalist.  [Elle a un emploi du temps chargé en tant que journaliste.]

C. Chores
(noun) –
tâches ménagères, corvées (small jobs that is done regularly, usually tasks in the house like cleaning, washing, etc.) Example: “Cleaning the house is not a chore for me. It actually relaxes me.” [Le nettoyage de la maison n'est pas une corvée pour moi. En fait, ça me détend.]

D. Tasks
(noun) – tâches

Guide Questions
1. What did the speaker say about being busy?
2. What did the speaker say about Monday, Friday and Wednesday?


Vocabulary 2:
A. errands
(noun) –
a short journey that you take to do or get something.- un court voyage que vous faites pour faire ou obtenir quelque chose. Example: I have to do some errands before dinner. I have to go to the supermarket to buy food and then go to the post office to mail a letter. [Je dois faire quelques courses avant le dîner. Je dois aller au supermarché pour acheter de la nourriture, puis me rendre à la poste pour poster une lettre.]

B. tend to
tendent à. Example: I tend to forget my car keys. [J'ai tendance à oublier mes clés de voiture.]

Guide Questions

1. What did the speaker say about other people?
2. What did the speaker say about
weekends and vacations?


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