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03 October 2024

English Lesson (Speaking): "Questions About Autumn"

Topic: “All About Autumn”


1. What are the benefits of autumn weather?

Quels sont les avantages du temps automnal ?

날씨의 장점은 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: One benefit of autumn weather is the cooler temperatures, which are perfect for outdoor activities. It’s comfortable to go hiking or have picnics without the heat of summer. The autumn colors also create beautiful scenery, making walks more enjoyable. This season also brings a variety of delicious seasonal foods to enjoy.

2. What are some drawbacks of autumn?

Quels sont les inconvénients de l'automne ?

단점은 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: One drawback of autumn is that the days become shorter, which can make some people feel tired or sad. The colder weather can also limit outdoor activities, especially if it rains. Additionally, as plants die back, gardens may look less lively. However, I try to focus on the beauty of the season to balance these feelings.


3. What is your favorite autumn dish?
Quel est votre plat d'automne préféré ?
가을에 가장 좋아하는 음식은 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: My favorite autumn dish is pumpkin soup. It is creamy and warm, perfect for chilly days. I love to make it with fresh pumpkins and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. Sometimes, I add croutons for extra texture. It reminds me of family gatherings during Thanksgiving when everyone enjoys good food together.

4. What is a traditional autumn dish in your country?

Quel est un plat traditionnel d'automne dans votre pays ?

나라에서 가을의 전통 음식은 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: In my country, a traditional autumn dish is a hearty vegetable stew. It's made with seasonal vegetables like squash, carrots, and potatoes, cooked slowly to enhance the flavors. Families often make it during harvest time to celebrate the season. Sharing this warm stew with loved ones is a comforting way to enjoy autumn.

5. What drinks do you enjoy in autumn?
Quelles boissons aimez-vous en automne ?
가을에 어떤 음료를 즐기나요?

Sample Answer: In autumn, I enjoy drinking hot apple cider. It’s warm, sweet, and spiced with cinnamon, making it a cozy treat. Sometimes I have it while sitting by the fireplace. I also like to try pumpkin spice lattes from coffee shops. These drinks really bring out the flavors of the season.

6. What snacks do you enjoy during autumn?

Quels collations aimez-vous pendant l'automne ?

어떤 간식을 즐기나요?

Sample Answer: In autumn, I love enjoying snacks like roasted pumpkin seeds and apple slices with peanut butter. These snacks are healthy and fit the season’s flavors. Sometimes, I also make caramel apples for a special treat. Sharing these snacks with friends during gatherings makes the experience even more enjoyable.


7. What outdoor activities do you like to do in autumn?

Quelles activités de plein air aimez-vous faire en automne ?

어떤 야외 활동을 좋아하나요?

Sample Answer: I love going for hikes in autumn. The cool weather is perfect for walking, and the colorful leaves make the trails beautiful. I also enjoy visiting pumpkin patches with my friends and family. We pick pumpkins and sometimes carve them for Halloween. It’s a fun way to spend time outdoors.

8. How do you celebrate Halloween?

Comment célébrez-vous Halloween ?

어떻게 축하하나요?

Sample Answer: I celebrate Halloween by dressing up in a costume and going trick-or-treating with friends. We plan our costumes ahead of time, often based on our favorite characters. I also like to decorate my house with spooky decorations and carve pumpkins. It’s exciting to see everyone’s creativity and share treats.

9. Do you have Thanksgiving Day in your country? If so, when is it and how do you celebrate it?
Existe-t-il une journée d'action de grâce dans votre pays ? Si oui, à quelle date et comment la célébrez-vous ?
나라에도 추수감사절이 있나요? 그렇다면 언제이며 어떻게 추수감사절을 기념하나요?

Sample Answer: For Thanksgiving, my family gathers together for a big dinner. We usually have turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. Everyone brings a dish to share, so there is always a lot of food. We take turns saying what we are thankful for. It's a wonderful time to connect with family and friends.


10. What clothing do you wear in autumn?

Quels vêtements portez-vous en automne ?

어떤 옷을 입나요?

Sample Answer: In autumn, I like to wear cozy sweaters and jeans. Sweaters keep me warm on chilly days, and I love wearing different colors and patterns. I also wear scarves and boots. These clothes are comfortable and perfect for the season, especially when I go for walks or enjoy outdoor activities.

11. What is your favorite autumn accessory?

Quel est votre accessoire d'automne préféré ?

가장 좋아하는 액세서리는 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: My favorite autumn accessory is a warm scarf. I love how it adds style to any outfit while keeping me warm. I have different colors and patterns to match my sweaters and jackets. Wearing a cozy scarf makes me feel snug and ready for the cooler days ahead.


12. What autumn-themed books do you enjoy reading?

Quels livres sur le thème de l'automne aimez-vous lire ?

주제의 어떤 것을 좋아하나요?

Sample Answer: I enjoy reading books that capture the essence of autumn, like "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The changing seasons play a big role in the story. I also like poetry about autumn, such as works by John Keats. These stories and poems help me appreciate the beauty and mood of the season.

13. What autumn themes do you see in movies?

Quels thèmes d'automne voyez-vous dans les films ?

어떤 가을 주제를 보나요?

Sample Answer: Many movies set in autumn focus on themes of change and reflection. For example, some films feature characters experiencing personal growth against the backdrop of falling leaves. The cozy settings often include harvest scenes and family gatherings, making the audience feel nostalgic and connected to the season’s spirit.

14. Do you have a favorite movie or TV series about autumn?
Avez-vous un film ou une série télévisée préféré(e) sur l'automne ?
가을을 소재로 영화나 TV 시리즈 좋아하는 작품이 있나요?

Examples: "Autumn Tale" (Conte d’automne) - Directed by Éric Rohmer, this film explores relationships and romantic entanglements during the autumn season, capturing the melancholic beauty of the time.

"Autumn in My Heart" (
가을동화) - A classic K-drama that revolves around love and fate, set against the backdrop of autumn. It’s a poignant story with emotional depth.


15. How do you stay healthy during autumn?

Comment restez-vous en bonne santé pendant l'automne ?

건강을 유지하려면 어떻게 하나요?

Sample Answer: To stay healthy in autumn, I focus on eating seasonal fruits and vegetables like apples and squash. I also try to exercise regularly, even when it gets colder. Walking outside is refreshing, especially with the beautiful leaves. Staying connected with friends helps my mental health, too, as we enjoy activities together.

16. Do you think autumn affects your mood? How?
Pensez-vous que l'automne affecte votre humeur ? Comment ?
당신의 기분에 영향을 준다고 생각하나요? 어떻게요?

Sample Answer: Yes, autumn can affect my mood. Sometimes, when the days get shorter, I feel a bit down. However, I also love the beauty of autumn, which lifts my spirits. I try to spend time outside and appreciate the colorful leaves. Connecting with friends and family during this season helps me feel happier.


17. What places do you like to visit in autumn?
Quels endroits aimez-vous visiter en automne ?

가고 싶은 장소는 어디인가요?

Sample Answer: I love visiting national parks in autumn to see the changing leaves. Places like the Great Smoky Mountains are famous for their stunning fall colors. I also enjoy visiting local farms for apple picking and pumpkin festivals. These activities make autumn special, and it’s a great time to explore nature.

18. What is the best place to see autumn leaves?

Quel est le meilleur endroit pour voir les feuilles d'automne ?

단풍을 있는 최고의 장소는 어디인가요?

Sample Answer: The best place to see autumn leaves is in New England, especially places like Vermont and Massachusetts. The vibrant colors of the trees create breathtaking views that attract many visitors. I love taking road trips through these areas to enjoy the scenery, take photos, and appreciate nature’s beauty during this season.


19. What memories do you associate with autumn?
Quels souvenirs associez-vous à l'automne ?
관련된 기억은 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: I associate autumn with wonderful memories of family gatherings during Thanksgiving. We would all help cook and share stories. I also remember going apple-picking with friends and enjoying the fresh air. The smell of fallen leaves and the sound of crunching underfoot bring back happy feelings. These memories make autumn special for me.

20. How do you spend time with friends in autumn?

Comment passez-vous du temps avec des amis en automne ?

친구들과 어떻게 시간을 보내나요?

Sample Answer: In autumn, I love to spend time with friends by going to local fairs or festivals. We often visit pumpkin patches or go hiking to see the beautiful leaves. We also enjoy cozy movie nights at home with warm drinks and snacks. These activities create lasting memories and strengthen our friendships.

21. How do you reflect on the past year in autumn?

Comment réfléchissez-vous sur l'année écoulée en automne ?

지난 해를 어떻게 되돌아보나요?

Sample Answer: Autumn is a time for me to reflect on the past year. I often think about my goals and what I have accomplished. I write in a journal to express my thoughts and feelings. This practice helps me understand my growth and areas where I want to improve. It’s a peaceful way to prepare for the coming winter.

22. How do you prepare for winter in autumn?

Comment vous préparez-vous pour l'hiver en automne ?

겨울을 어떻게 준비하나요?

Sample Answer: To prepare for winter, I start by checking my home for drafts and making sure it's warm. I also stock up on food and supplies for the colder months. Additionally, I organize my winter clothes, ensuring I have everything I need. This preparation helps me feel ready and comfortable as winter approaches.

GARDENING (For people who have gardens)

23. What plants do you like to grow in autumn?

Quelles plantes aimez-vous cultiver en automne ?

어떤 식물을 기르는 것을 좋아하나요?

Sample Answer: In autumn, I enjoy planting bulbs like tulips and daffodils. They bloom beautifully in spring. I also grow vegetables like carrots and kale, which are perfect for the cooler weather. Gardening in autumn can be relaxing, and it feels rewarding to see the plants grow over time, especially after winter.

24. How do you prepare your garden for winter?

Comment préparez-vous votre jardin pour l'hiver ?

위해 정원을 어떻게 준비하나요?

Sample Answer: To prepare my garden for winter, I first clean up fallen leaves and dead plants. This helps prevent pests and diseases. I also mulch around plants to protect their roots from the cold. Some plants need to be covered with cloth or moved indoors. These steps help ensure my garden is healthy for spring.

25. What flowers bloom in autumn?

Quelles fleurs fleurissent en automne ?

피는 꽃은 무엇인가요?

Sample Answer: In autumn, flowers like chrysanthemums and asters bloom beautifully. They add vibrant colors to gardens just as other plants start to fade. I love planting them because they last well into the cooler months. Their bright hues against the autumn leaves create a stunning visual display in my garden.

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