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14 October 2024

English Lesson (Listening and Speaking): "Teamwork" - B2 level

Topic: “Teamwork”

A. Assign – To give a job or task to someone. [Attribuer] Sentence: The teacher will assign homework to the students. French Translation: Le professeur attribuera des devoirs aux élèves.

B. Execution
– The act of doing or performing something. [Exécution] Sentence: The plan execution took longer than expected. French Translation: L'exécution du plan a pris plus de temps que prévu.

C. Keep someone
(him, her, them, everyone, etc.) aligned – To make sure someone stays on the same path or idea. [Garder quelqu'un sur la même voie] Sentence: Regular meetings help keep everyone aligned with the goals. French Translation: Des réunions régulières aident à garder tout le monde sur la même voie que les objectifs.

D. Promptly
– Quickly and without delay. [French: Rapidement] Sentence: She responded to the email promptly after receiving it. French Translation: Elle a répondu à l'e-mail rapidement après l'avoir reçu.

E. Fall behind
– To not keep up with others or a schedule. [Prendre du retard] Sentence: If you miss classes, you may fall behind in your studies. French Translation: Si tu manques des cours, tu peux prendre du retard dans tes études.

G. Fosters
– To encourage or help something grow. [Favorise] Sentence: The program fosters creativity in young artists. French Translation: Le programme favorise la créativité chez les jeunes artistes.

Guide Questions
1. What does the speaker say about teamwork?
2. Talk about the speaker’s example.

 To see the full transcript, click this.


1. What do you do if someone does not do their part in the team?
Que fais-tu si quelqu'un ne fait pas sa part dans l'équipe?

Sample Answer:
If someone is not doing their part, I first talk to them privately. I ask if they need help or if there are any problems. If things don't improve, I might inform our team leader so that we can find a solution together.

2. How do you divide tasks in your team?
Comment divisez-vous les tâches dans votre équipe?

Sample Answer:
We divide tasks by discussing everyone's strengths and interests. In our meetings, we talk about who is best suited for each task. This way, everyone feels comfortable and can work more effectively.

3. What is the biggest challenge your team has faced?
Quel est le plus grand défi que ton équipe a rencontré?

Sample Answer:
The biggest challenge we faced was a tight deadline on a big project. We had to work extra hours and manage our time very carefully. In the end, we supported each other and completed the project on time.

4. How do you balance individual work and teamwork?
Comment équilibrer le travail individuel et le travail d'équipe?

Sample Answer:
I balance individual work and teamwork by setting specific times for each. I focus on my tasks during certain hours and join team meetings or discussions at other times. This helps me stay organized.

5. What advice would you give to someone starting their first team job?
Quels conseils donnerais-tu à quelqu'un qui commence son premier emploi en équipe?

Sample Answer:
I would advise them to be open and communicate. It’s important to listen to others and share your own ideas. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Teamwork is about supporting each other. [END]


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