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16 October 2024

English Lesson (Listening): "What is Teamwork?"


Topic: “What is Teamwork?” (B1 Level)

a) achieveréaliser. (To succeed in doing something.) Example: I want to achieve my goals. (Je veux réaliser mes objectifs.)

b) matchcorrespondre. (To be the same or similar.) Example: These socks match my shirt. (Ces chaussettes correspondent à ma chemise.)

c) conflictconflit. (A serious disagreement or argument.) Example: There was a conflict between the two teams. (Il y avait un conflit entre les deux équipes.)

d) unclear – flou. (Not easy to understand or see.) Example: The instructions were unclear to everyone. (Les instructions étaient floues pour tout le monde.)

e) lead toconduire à. (To cause something to happen.) Example: Hard work can lead to success. (Le travail acharné peut conduire au succès.)

f) frustrationfrustration. (Feeling annoyed or upset because of problems.) Example: She felt frustration when her plan failed. (Elle a ressenti de la frustration quand son plan a échoué.)

g) rewardsrécompenses. (Benefits received for doing something good.) Example: The rewards of teamwork are great. (Les récompenses du travail d'équipe sont grandes.)

h) sense of belongingsentiment d'appartenance. (Feeling accepted and valued in a group.) Example: The club gave me a sense of belonging. (Le club m'a donné un sentiment d'appartenance.)

i) proudfier. (Feeling happy about achievements or qualities.) Example: I am proud of my family. (Je suis fier de ma famille.)

Guide Questions
1. What is teamwork?
2. Why is communication important in a team?
3. What role does a leader play in teamwork?
4. What can happen when teamwork is not good?
5. What are some benefits of successful teamwork?

American Accent

British Accent

For the full transcript, click this. 

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