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03 January 2025

English Lesson (Listening): "Health"


Topic: “Health”

Vocabulary 1
1. rolerôle
2. overallglobale

total, overall (général, globale, complet) Example: The overall situation of the economy is encouraging. [La situation globale de l'économie est encourageante.]

[b] In English, “global” means “mondiale.” Example: The pandemic was global. [La pandémie était mondiale.]

3. well-beingle bien-être
4. puzzle
5. multiple piecesplusieurs pièces
6. fit tenir
7. nutritiousnutritif
8. sudden soudain

9. crave/craving (for) désirer ardemment. Example: “I am craving for some croissant.” [J'ai envie d'un croissant.] Q: What are you craving for now? —

10. workouts
– exercises, entraînement.
11. exchanging échange
12. make a difference faire la difference. Example: “Our protest will make a difference.” [Notre protestation fera la différence.]

Guide Questions

a. What did the speaker say about health?
b. Why did she compare health to a puzzle?
c. How can we be healthy? What should we focus on? Give some examples.

For the complete transcript, click this.

Vocabulary 2
1. prioritize prioriser
2. loved ones personnes aimées, proches
3. determined déterminés
4. a sense of humorsens de l'humour. Q: Do you think you have a good sense of humor? —

Guide Questions

a. What did the second speaker say about mental health?
b. How can we improve mental health?


For the complete transcript, click this.


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