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25 September 2024

Vocabulary: Commonly Used Verbs – “Lack"


Our verb for the day is “lack”. Lack is different from “doesn’t have.” “Lack” means you have something but it is not enough. For example, “I don’t have money” means I have zero money but “I lack money” means I have money but it is not enough.
Par exemple, je n'ai pas d'argent signifie que je n'ai pas d'argent mais je manque d'argent signifie que j'ai de l'argent mais qu'il n'est pas suffisant.

What skills do you lack presently
I lack skills in speaking French. - Je manque de compétences en français.

Which do you lack most in your life now: time, money, energy, work opportunity, support from people, etc.?
I lack time. I don’t have enough time to enjoy my life. I have so much work to do.  Je manque de temps. Je n'ai pas assez de temps pour profiter de ma vie. J'ai tellement de travail à faire.

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