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06 December 2024

English Lesson (Listening and Speaking): "Culture Shock"

LESSON: TRAVEL ENGLISH (Listening and Discussion)
Topic: “Culture Shock” [British and American accent]


1. DISCOMFORT (adj) -
Feeling uneasy or in pain, physically or mentally. Example: The discomfort in my back made it hard to sit.
  • French: Sensation de malaise ou de douleur, physique ou mentale. / L'inconfort dans mon dos rendait difficile de m'asseoir.  
  • Korean: 신체적 또는 정신적인 불편함이나 고통. / 등에서 불편함이 느껴져 앉기 힘들었다.
  • Japanese: 身体的または精神的な不快感や痛み。/ 背中の不快感で座るのが大変だった。 
  • Chinese: 身体或心理上的不适或痛苦感。/ 背部的不适让我很难坐下。

2. CUSTOMS (noun) - Traditional ways and behaviors in a society or group. Example: Every country has its own customs for celebrating holidays.

  • French: Façons et comportements traditionnels dans une société ou un groupe. / Chaque pays a ses propres coutumes pour célébrer les fêtes.  
  • Korean: 사회나 그룹에서의 전통적인 방식과 행동. / 나라는 휴일을 기념하는 고유한 전통이 있다. 
  • Japanese: 社会やグループの伝統的な方法や行動。/ どの国にも休日を祝うための独自の習慣がある。 
  • Chinese: 社会或群体中的传统方式和行为。/ 每个国家都有自己庆祝节日的习俗。

3. OVERWHELMING (adj) - Very strong or intense, hard to handle or bear. Example: The overwhelming noise made it hard to concentrate.

  • French: Très fort ou intense, difficile à gérer ou supporter. / Le bruit accablant rendait difficile de se concentrer.
  •  Korean: 매우 강하거나 다루기 힘든, 감당하기 어려운. / 압도적인 소음 때문에 집중하기 힘들었다.
  • Japanese: 非常に強い、または扱いきれない。/ 圧倒的な音で集中するのが難しかった。
  • Chinese: 非常强烈或难以处理,难以忍受的。/ 难以忍受的噪音让我很难集中注意力。

4. FAMILIAR SURROUNDINGS (noun) - Places or situations you know well and feel comfortable in. Example: She felt safe in her familiar surroundings.

  • French: Lieux ou situations que vous connaissez bien et où vous vous sentez à l'aise. / Elle se sentait en sécurité dans ses environs familiers.  
  • Korean: 알고 편안함을 느끼는 장소나 상황. / 그녀는 익숙한 환경에서 안전함을 느꼈다. 
  • Japanese: よく知っていて快適に感じる場所や状況。/ 彼女は慣れた環境で安全だと感じた。 
  • Chinese: 你熟悉并感到舒适的地方或环境。/ 她在熟悉的环境中感到安全。

5. OVER TIME - Slowly, as time passes, or gradually changing. Example: Over time, he became more skilled at playing the piano.

  • French: Lentement, à mesure que le temps passe, ou progressivement. / Avec le temps, il est devenu plus habile à jouer du piano.  
  • Korean: 시간이 지남에 따라 천천히, 또는 점차적으로. / 시간이 지남에 따라 그는 피아노 연주가 능숙해졌다. 
  • Japanese: 時間が経つにつれて、または徐々に。/ 時間が経つにつれて、彼はピアノを弾くのが上手になった。 
  • Chinese: 随着时间推移,逐渐地。/ 随着时间的推移,他变得更加熟练地弹钢琴。

6. PATIENCE (noun) - The ability to wait calmly without becoming upset. Example: Patience is important when learning new skills.

  • French: La capacité d'attendre calmement sans devenir contrarié. / La patience est importante lorsqu'on apprend de nouvelles compétences.  
  • Korean: 침착하게 기다릴 있는 능력, 화내지 않기. / 새로운 기술을 배울 인내심이 중요하다. 
  • Japanese: 冷静に待つことができる能力。/ 新しいスキルを学ぶとき、忍耐力は重要です。 
  • Chinese: 够冷静等待而不生气的能力。/ 习新技能时,耐心非常重要。

7. DIVERSITY (noun) - A variety of different things, people, or ideas. Example: The city's diversity makes it an exciting place to visit.

  • French: Une variété de choses, de personnes ou d'idées différentes. / La diversité de la ville en fait un endroit excitant à visiter.  
  • Korean: 다양한 사람, 사물, 아이디어의 다양성. / 도시의 다양성은 그것을 방문하기 흥미로운 장소로 만든다. 
  • Japanese: 異なる物や人々、アイデアの多様性。/ この街の多様性は、訪れるのが楽しい場所にします。 
  • Chinese: 各种不同的事物、人或思想的多样性。/ 这座城市的多样性使它成为一个令人兴奋的旅游地

Guide Questions

1. What is culture shock?
2. What can be overwhelming according to the speaker?
3. What happens to people who experience culture shock?
4. What should we remember when we experience culture shock? What should we do?

For the complete transcript, click this

Discussion Questions
1. Have you ever experienced culture shock? If so, what happened?

2. How do you overcome language barriers when traveling abroad? [Comment surmonter les barrières linguistiques lorsque vous voyagez à l'étranger?]

Sample Answer: Learning a few essential phrases and using translation apps can help bridge language gaps and ease communication.

3. Have you offended locals or embarrassed yourself during your travels because of cultural differences? [Avez-vous offensé des habitants ou vous êtes-vous mis dans l'embarras au cours de vos voyages à cause de différences culturelles?]

4. Do you try local cuisines when you travel, or do you prefer to eat popular international dishes like pasta and chicken?

5. Have you refused to eat a local dish during your travels? Why?

6. How can tourists stay safe and avoid scams or exploitation when dealing with culture shock? [Comment les touristes peuvent-ils rester en sécurité et éviter les escroqueries ou l'exploitation lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à un choc culturel?]

Sample Answer: Staying informed about common scams, using reputable tour operators, and trusting your instincts can help tourists avoid scams and exploitation.

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